My Journey: Balancing Entrepreneurship, Nature, and Artistry
Category: My self
My Journey: Balancing Entrepreneurship, Nature, and Artistry


In the vibrant city of Junagadh, Gujarat, I, Sunil Shiyani, I'm an entrepreneur with three thriving companies, also a nature enthusiast, an avid artist, and a problem solver with a passion for innovation. In this blog, I will delve into my multi-faceted world, where business acumen meets a love for nature and the creative arts.

Entrepreneurship with a Purpose:

My journey in the business world is nothing short of inspiring. I am the owner of three distinct companies, each with a unique focus and purpose.

Spark: The IT Pioneer:

Spark, my first company, is an IT powerhouse. It's not just about technology; it's about sparking innovation and solving real-world problems through digital solutions. With a keen eye for innovation and a team of talented professionals, Spark is making waves in the tech industry.

SOMENU: Nourishing Food Businesses:

SOMENU, my second venture, is dedicated to food businesses. This innovative application streamlines operations for restaurateurs, making their lives easier and enhancing the dining experience for customers. My passion for solving problems is evident in this venture, as I address the unique challenges faced by the food industry.

Fishelly: Serving Fish Lovers:

Fishelly, a PT Ltd. company is a testament to my diverse interests. Catering to the fish-loving community, Fishelly brings together enthusiasts and provides them with a platform to connect, share their passion, and access quality products. It's a true labor of love for me, combining my entrepreneurial spirit with my personal interests.

A Love for Nature:

Beyond the boardrooms and business meetings, I find solace in the embrace of nature. I am an ardent lover of the outdoors, especially the tranquility of the jungle. Being a night person, I often venture into the wild, relishing the beauty and mysteries that come to life after dark. My connection with nature serves as a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of the business world, there's a serene world waiting to be explored.

Artistic Expression:

My creativity knows no bounds. In addition to my business ventures and love for nature, I have a talent for painting. Through my artwork, I bring my unique perspective to life, capturing the essence of the natural world and my love for fish. My paintings are not only a form of self-expression but also a way to connect with others who share my passion.

Innovating for a Better Tomorrow:

What sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to making a difference. My businesses are not just profit-driven; they are driven by a desire to solve problems and innovate. Whether it's streamlining restaurant operations, connecting fish enthusiasts, or pushing the boundaries of IT solutions, my ventures reflect my passion for creating a better tomorrow.


My journey is a testament to the power of passion, innovation, and a deep connection with the world around us. My love for nature, my artistic spirit, and my dedication to solving real-world problems through entrepreneurship are truly inspirational. I am a living example of how diverse interests and a thirst for innovation can come together to create a fulfilling and impactful life journey.